Easy Way To Earn 252$/day With Sharecash

Because I have been earn enough money for my living with sharecash. I will share this method in this forum. All we gonna do is uploading file to sharecash, sharecash is PPD download which give us a big commision if somebody downloading file from our sharecash link. This method is really easy to do. It's just need a little patience. So, this is my method.
1. I use 3 platform for my blog blogspot, wordpress and AGC Script. And total I have 30 blogs with the same niche and same link to sharecash. My niche is apk mod, I recommend you to use this niche too.
2. Write an unique article about android game mod. Or you can just copy and paste form another blog and replace the original download link with your download link.
3. Create a lot of article. I usually create up to 50 articles per day. The more article you have the more visitor will come to your blog.
4. If it's possible split one file become 3 files. You'll have triple income from one file with this method.
5. Go to google webmaster tools. Fetch as google and submit your sitemap.
6. Try to have visitor from US (1,5$ per download) or France (14$ per download). Use geo targeting feature in google webmaster tools.

That's my method to earn dollars from sharecash.
 If you wanna say thanks for me to share my method please register with my referral link Here

Earning Proof From Sharecash

PS: This blog isn't my real sharecash blog, I'm uploading file to sharecash because I buy the cracked software I don't get it for free so please understand :). My sharecash blog is http://gamefreakz101.blogspot.com 


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