[ Tips ] 3 Basic Tools For Blog Writer

1. MozBar
The first is MozBar. This MozBar is shaped extension tools hich wcan you find in Google Chrome. MozBar tool is use for what? This MozBar tool or can be MozBar extension is useful to review how "handsome" your blog is. So, if you want to know how the PA (Page Authority), DA (Domain Authority), SEO On-Page of your blogs, social shares, and many more, you can choose MozBar
For those of you who want to try MozBar and taste how useful this extension, please go to the following link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mozbar/eakacpaijcpapndcfffdgphdiccmpknp
2. UbersuggestWhat is the point of this tool? Ubersuggest tool is especially useful for you who feel confused when try to searching for keyword idea. For example if you're thinking about this keyword "handsome man" and then ubersuggest will display the keywords that are being sought by the Google search engine users from A to Z! Is that it? No! Ubersuggest not only suggest short tail keywords, but also can suggest long tail keywords. In keyword research for my blog content, I use this tools first before going to the next step using Long Tail Pro Platinum.
So, what do you waiting for ? before making the article, you should try this tools, please go to the following link: http://ubersuggest.org/
3. SlideShareSlideShare is a tool which has function more like social media. So, suppose we've made the content or quality article, and then we share to social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. But if you still didn't have a visitor you can take advantage with SlideShare. SideShare will help us to change our posts or articles became a SlideShare presentation. Then after we uploaded on SlideShare, we can embed SlideShare decks on LinkedIn, WordpPress and other sites to increase the number of visitors.

That's it a 3 basic tools for blog writer. I hope this article will be useful for you guys. Thanks for visiting my blog. See you on the next post !

[ GET ] GSA Email Spider | Email Scraping Tools

Hey guys ! Today I will give you the best email scraping tools. As an internet marketer maybe collecting email form all around the world is really important for maximizing your product promotion. If you do it manually it will really make you tired, sitting in front of the computer just for searching email. With this tools for collecting email and send your product promotion could be done with a simple click. And today I will give it for you !

What is GSA Email Spider ?

Collect and extract emails, phone and fax numbers from all websites around the world only with simple click! The websites will be analyzed by this gsa email spider using the keyword you entered as search string. The program will scraping, grab, crawl, rip, harvest, extract and parse for the items.

You can also possible to send an email to your new customers within the program automatically making it the ultimate tool for online marketing and mass mailing (but should not be used to spam).

It provides benefits to your business and dramatically open up your new customer base with easy advertising!
 Another Great Product From GSA: GSA Search Engine Ranker

GSA Email Spider Features:

  • Extract emails from a starting web site
  • In addition to the email grabber you can search for phone and fax numbers
  • Send emails automated to your new customers
  • Harvest emails with the help of search engines (300+ included)
  • Support for https web sites
  • Support for SSL-only email providers (like google mail)
  • Send emails directly with internal smtp server
  • Javascript analysis to find protected email addresses
  • Protection from anti spider engines (e.g. random user agent)
  • Collect emails with their extra data (e.g. address)
  • Many filters to only extract emails you want
  • Very fast processing (with 100 threads you can easily extract 500 new emails a minute)
  • Multilingual support (English and German for now)
GSA Email Spider Free Download Link:

[ Wordpress Tutorial ] 3 Steps To Securing WordPress Blog / Website

Maybe it is often discussed in many other blogs on WordPress securing step, but it does not hurt myself as well write it here. Because I believe it is never enough appealed only once!

What hacker can get from breaking into our website?

Perhaps for those who have a blog with unimportant contents such as poem or just regular notes, securing their website is not really worth it. Maybe they think it's useless to breaking their website, because they don't have any important data. That's wrong !

For criminal hacker, everything could be important, our emails (which is we use it for many other sites), the data commentator or anything they can use. Even it's more dangerous than breaking into our blog, they could take over the entire server, it could be other websites which is hosted in the same server this website may be very important for the owner website got hacked too.

3 Steps To Securing WordPress

Before writing this post I see the log in my own dashboard (on my other site), one security plugins that I use
noted there's 890 IP attempting to break my website.

890 is a big number, you can imagine how many evil guy out there who try to steal important data form our website. Mostly all of them use bruto force attack. I hope by reading this you'll understand how important it is to securing our blog from criminal hacker. Okay guys, let's go with our 3 steps to securing our wordpress blog / website.

1. Use non-default DB prefix

Never use wp_ in your DB prefix. I'll never use that because I believe using that default DB prefix will make our web vulnerable to SQL injection attack.

2.Never Use "ADMIN" For Username And Make Complicated Password

Never use "ADMIN" as your username, 890 brute force attacker who try to break my website, they use "ADMIN" as username. And make a complicated password for your website. Something like "r098ckjhslik7675%%$$". Trust me it works well.

3.Install Wordpress Security Plugin

There's a lot of wordpress security plugin for your website. One of my recommended plugin is Limit Login Attempt. Also you can check our web for downloading premium security plugin for free. It will make your website become more powerful to fight againts your web attacker.

That's it guys 3 steps to securing wordpress blog / website. I hope you enjoy this post. See you on the next post !

[ Wordpress Tutorial ] How To Add Google Adsense In Wordpress

Hey guys ! Today I will give you tutorial how to add google adsense in you wordpress blog / website. Google AdSense is one of the most popular ways to monetize your website. Did you know that you can easily add Google AdSense to your WordPress site and start making money? In this article, I'll show you how to add Google AdSense on WordPress along with sharing some best practices and tips to increase your income.

What is Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is an advertising network run by Google that allows bloggers and website owners the opportunity to earn money by displaying text, images, video, and other interactive advertisements on their websites. These ads are targeted by the site's content and audience.

Google AdSense is free because you do not have to deal with advertisers or worry about the cost. Google manage and maintain relationships with advertisers. They collect payment, take part to google, and send part of it to you.

AdSense offers a cost-per-click advertising (CPC) which means that you earn money every time a user clicks on an ad on your website. The amount received per click varies based on several factors.

Getting started with AdSense

The first thing you need to do is sign up for a Google AdSense account. If you have a Gmail account, then you can use an existing account.

Once you submit your application, you will receive an email within 6-8 hours, Google will notify you if you have passed the first step of the review process. If you pass the first check, then you can sign in to your AdSense account and get your ad code.

Start by clicking the My Ads tab and then click on the New button Ad Units.

It will take you to create a new ad pages. On this page, you need to select Ad size, type, and style.
Ad name is only used for internal purposes, so you can name it as "SiteName Sidebar".

The next option is to choose Size Ad. While Google offers a wide variety of ad sizes, there are certain sizes listed below are recommended for use because most popularly used among advertisers. That means that these ads tend to have higher inventory resulting in better payment.

The next option is to select the type of ad, I recommend having composed text ads and display.

This form of advertising allows you to control the display of text-based ad unit. I recommend using a color scheme that fits your site for the best results.

Once you are finished with this setup, simply click Save. and there will be a message "Adds successfully create", and you'll also see ad Code.

Copy and paste your ad code in Notepad because you'll need it in the next step.

Adding Google AdSense on WordPress

You need to decide where you want to display ads on your website. Most often your ad appears in a sidebar. You can add the ads in the sidebar using WordPress widget.

Please go to Appearance »Widgets in your WordPress admin area. Next drag and drop widget Text widget to the right position and paste your Google AdSense code there.

Download this premium theme for increasing your adsense earning Newspaper Theme 

Frequently asked questions pertaining to Google Adsense:

Best Adsense Ad Size?

Although ad placement is key, size is also important, the best measure to use adsense is 336 × 280 and 300 × 260. These ads tend to fit on most of the screen size and has a high level of payment as well.

Where is the Best AdSense placements?

It entirely depends on the layout of your site. The goal is to get more clicks, so you want to put your ad in a more prominent place. Place ad posting articles on the top because it tends to get the most clicks. And also in the sidebar above.

Can I click on my own ads?

Beginners often tempted to click on their own ads or ask a family member / friend them to click on their ads. And do not do it. Google algorithms are very smart and know when you click on your own ads. It can get you banned from the program.

What is Page RPM?

RPM stands for Revenue per Mille means revenue per 1000 impressions. It is determined by multiplying the number of clicks and cost-per-click and then dividing by the number of pageviews.

That's it guys my short tutorial about adding adsense into your wordpress site / blog. I hope you enjoy this post. See you on the next post !

200 Factors Which Influence Rank On Google Search Engine

SEO activists must have known that Google uses about 200 factors to determine the ranking of a website in their search results. What are these factors? Some SEO experts give opinions that controversy, there are proven, and some are just speculation. According to an article published on the website Backlinko.com, these 200 factors that affect the ranking of a website in Google.Tighten the belt and grab a snack because this article will be quite long. Check this out!

A. Domain Factors

1. Age Domain; On a video released by Matt Cutts (head of Google's spam) stated that domain age influential in determining the ranking of a website in Google, but the effect is not too large.

"The difference between a domain that's six months old verses one year old is really not that big at all." ~ Matt Cutts

2. Keyword Appearing in the Top Level Domain; The effect is not too large as it did on SEO in the past, but the keywords in the domain will give a signal that a domain is relevant to those keywords. Currently there are many who use keywords in their domain.

3. Keyword Set In First Word In Domain; As I've mentioned in the article SEO MOZ, domains containing keywords on the first word in the domain has advantages in terms of SEO compared with domains that are not found in the root domain keywords or putting keywords in the middle / end of the domain.

4. The Registrar Domain Registration Range; Usually the domain has the value will be registered in a fairly long time span, for example 3-5 years at a time. Unlike domain for websites registered doorway is usually not more than one year."Valuable (legitimate) domains are Often paid for Several years in advance, while doorway (illegitimate) domains rarely are used for more than a year. Therefore, the date when a domain expires in the future can be used as a factor in predicting the legitimacy of a domain ". ~ Google's Patent

5. Keywords In the Subdomain name; Moz based panels, keywords contained in the subdomain will affect the SEO of a website, for example subdomain keyword.maxmanroec.com.

6. Domain Ownership History; History of ownership of a domain can affect SEO. Some sites to check the ownership of the site, such as Who.is will provide information on the ownership of a domain to Google and Google could have reset the history or the history of the domain, for example, negating backlinks once refers to the domain.

7. Exact Match Domain (EMD); Some time ago the Google gives a penalty on sites with domain EMD, but this only applies to sites of poor quality. If you build a good quality website with useful content, EMD will continue to provide benefits in terms of SEO.

8. Private vs Public WhoIs; WhoIs is configured Private is an indication that something is "hidden". According to Matt Cutts enable private WhoIs does not automatically reflect badly on the website. But this could have an effect on the 'Trust' or customer's own search engine on a website."... When I checked the whois on them, they all had" whois privacy protection service "on them. That's are relatively unusual. ... Having whois privacy turned on is not automatically bad, but once you get Several of Reviews These factors all together, you're Often talking about a very different type of webmaster than the fellow who just has a single site or so. "~ Matt Cutts

9. Name Own Domain Affected Penalty: Google can know the name of the owner of a website with the help of WhoIs (or perhaps with their own software). Well if Google identifies a person is spammer, this could result in the name of the domain owner a penalty, of course, after doing research on some Google domains owned by that name.

10. Country TLD Extension; Domains with the extension of certain countries, for example .co.id, .us, .it, will help improve the ranking of the website in certain countries, but it will limit the ability of the website to rank globally.

B. Page-Level Factor

11. Keywords in the Title Tag; In addition to the content, title tags or title page of a website is one thing that is very important in SEO. Title tags can have a big impact on the SEO strength of a web page.

12. Title Tag begins with Keyword; According to the data shown by Moz, Title Tag that began with the targeted keywords tend to give better results than the title with keywords at the end of the Title Tag.

13. Keywords in Tag Description; Description of web pages containing the keywords is another relevance that need our attention. It is not too much of an impact, but it will make a positive difference.

14. Addition of keywords in H1 Tags: H1 tag is "Title tag second" which will help provide a signal to Google that a web page is relevant to a particular topic, read correlation studies here.

15. Keyword Use in Document: Add keywords on every document in the web page will also give a signal that the documents are relevant to certain keywords. For example, add keywords to images or PDF files in web pages.

16. Content Length; Article content with the number of words more and more widely recommended as compared to short shallow article. According SERPIQ, content length and in more advantaged in Google SERP.

17. Keywords density; Keyword density is taken into account by Google in determining the relevance of a page to a topic. But do not use it much because it can damage the SEO of your website pages.

18. Latent Semantic Indexing Keywords in Content (LSI); Until this day LSI keywords still have a role in SEO. LSI keywords to help search engines to identify keywords that have more than one meaning, eg fruit company Apple vs. Apple.

19. LSI keywords in the Title and Description Tags; Just as the Web page content, LSI keywords in the Title and Description Tags can help Google differentiate keywords have synonyms. It also acts as a signal relevancy.

20. Loading Speed Of Web pages via HTML; Google and Bing search engines use website page loading speed as one of the factors determining the ranking of a page. Search engine spiders can estimate how much the speed of a website based on the code page of the website and also large files on the website.

21. Duplicate Content; Content that is identical or only slightly modified, can only have a negative impact on a website in the search engines.

22. Rel = Canonical: Use this tag in the right way. Use of this tag will help prevent Google assumes no duplicate content on a website. Read more HERE.

23 Pages Speed in Chrome; Google can also use the data from the Google Chrome browser users to obtain data on the speed of loading a website, CDN usage, and web speed associated with other non-HTML.

24. Image Optimization; By adding keywords in the Alt, a title, a description of the image, then it will send a signal to search engines that the image is relevant to a particular keyword.

25. Recency of Content Updates; Google Caffeine Update liked the content is always up to date, especially for the latest news content and much sought after. Google typically displays the date of the last update on a particular web page.

26. The amount of the Content Update; The amount of edits and changes to a web page is one of the important factors. Add or remove specific portions of web pages have more influence than simply replacing a few words or sentences.

27. History Update Page: Google is also considering the freshness of content in a website. How often is the website updated from time to time, whether every day, week, month, or every year?

28. Keyword Prominence; Adding keywords on the first 100 words at the beginning of the paragraph would be a strong signal that the content is relevant to a particular topic.

29. Keywords in H2 and H3; Insert relevant keywords in subheading H2 or H3 could be an additional signal that the content is relevant to a particular topic.

30. Keyword Word Order; Search by keyword match exacth contained in the content is usually better than using keywords that are somewhat different. For example the user type in the keyword "accurate strategy to build backlinks", web pages optimized with keywords "surefire strategy to build backlinks" would be better than the rank pages optimized with keywords "Building backlinks with proven strategies". That is why keyword research is very important.

31. Quality of Outbound links: Provides links to sites on subjects relevant Authority considered to increase trust Google to a website.

32. Outbound links Theme; According Moz, search engines such as Google can assume your website is relevant to the website that you provide a link. For example, your website is about Internet marketing and provides links to websites whose content is about furniture, this could give a signal to Google that your website is about furniture not tentan internet marketing.

33. Grammar & Spelling; Grammar and spelling were also included in the calculation in determining the ranking in Google. We recommend that you always use the grammar and spelling of raw untu your website content.

34. Content Syndication; Does the content on your blog / website unique / original? If your content is derived from the results of scraping or copied from other web pages that have been indexed in Google, we can be sure your content is not going to get a good position in search engines.

35. Additional Content yanng Helpful; According to Google Rater Guidelines, additional useful content is an indicator of the quality of a web page. For example tools currency converter, calculator lending and interactive recipes.

36. Number of Outbound Links: Too many OBL with dofollow rail could result in 'LEAK' Page Rank, and this could undermine the position of the web page in the Google SERP.

37. Multimedia; Add pictures, video and other multimedia elements can add to the quality of the content.

38. The number of internal links to page Specific; The number of internal links to one of the pages on your website indicates that the page is important and is still associated topic.

39. Internal Quality Link Toward Specific Pages: Internal links from pages that have authority in a domain has a stronger effect than with no or low PR pages.

40. Broken Links: Do not let no broken links on your website. Too many broken link is a sign that the website is negligible. Google Rater Guidelines Document using the broken links as one of the indicators in assessing the quality of a website.

41. Reading Level; Google can estimate the level of ease of reading a page of content in a website. But there is much debate about what they do on such information.Some people say the content is easy to read visitor (basic level) can help SEO because it is more interesting to read. According to SEO Linchpin, reading level one of the factors that differentiate between quality web content factory.

42. Affiliate Link: Insert Affiliate link on the web page will not hurt your website rankings in the SERP. If the affiliate link rather a lot in the website, the Google algorithm may be concerned about the quality of your website on the other hand to ensure that your website is not Abal Abal sites.

43. Errors HTML / W3C validation; Many mistakes were careless HTML or coding is a sign that the quality of the website is not considered. Although still pros and cons, many SEO experts who say that the W3C validation is one of the important signals in SEO.

44. Domain Authority Website; Website page which has a high domain authority will get priority in Google SERP compared to his website domain authority is low.

45. PageRank website; Although not a benchmark, but generally web pages that have high PR tend to get better rankings in Google SERP compared PR web page that is low.

46. ​​Long URL Page Website; According to records at Search Engine Journal, a website with a long URL is not good rank in the search engines.

47. URL Path; Page posts or pages that are close to the homepage tend to get increased authority.

48. Human Editors; Although there has been no confirmation from Google about this, Google has filed a patent for a system that allows the Human Editors affect Google SERP.

49. Page Category; Page category is one of the signals of relevance between the content. Pages that are part of the relevant category will gain increased relevance compared to other pages in the category that is unrelated or less related.

Also Read This Article: The Best Link Building Strategy 2015

50. Label/Tags: Tags are signals of relevance to the more specific WordPress website. According Yoast.com, the only way to improve the SEO of your website is by linking the content with other content, and more specifically the group of posts that are linked to one another is made in the tags (marks) 

[ SEO Tips ] The Best Link Building Strategy 2015

Hey guys ! This time I will give you my best link building strategy. I learn this strategy from somebody in blackhat marketing forum. Okay, Let's go with the best link building strategy !

What's Google Want ?

First of all you have to know what's google want from your backlinks. What I want to emphasize here is you must build quality backlinks and google must love it, your backlinks must meet these following conditions:
  • Authority
  • Relevant Niche
  • Natural
Here's what I made from this link building strategy

Step By Step:

  1. Create 20-30 contextual links guest post or blog post. For low budget, you can use web 2.0 properties but please understand what is the real meaning of TIER 1. If you still want to create spun articles, trust me it won't go so far.
  2. Requirement for articles: niche relevant, 100% unique, human readable, more than 500 words.
  3. I never use targeted keyword as anchor text. It's only naked URL and domain brand.
  4. Build Tier 2 for that 30 contextual links with drip feed
  5. Within 2-3 weeks my contextual links goes up to top 100 rank in google.com. And the next 7 weeks it goes to top 50 and automatically my money site goes up like rocket to top 10 rank in google.com.
  6. For make a strong SERP, I create more contextual links. So far I have 100 contextual links.

The Main Idea From This Link Building Strategy:

Build 20-30 contextual links for your money site, you can use contextual link guest post or blog post. And you must make your contextual link ranked on top 100 google.com. This method is safe from any google's cute animals, because you build backlink with autorithy site not from nonsense dummy blog. FYI this blog is one of my Tier 1 blog. I build this blog manually and once this blog is ready, I will place 5 of my contextual links in this blog.

That's it guys ! I hope this method can really help you to success on internet marketing world. Remember, nobody fails in internet marketing world, some just quit before their success come to their hands. Thanks for your visit, see you on the next post !

[ GET ] Zenoss Core - Enterprise IT Monitoring


Zenoss Core is today's premier, open-source IT monitoring solution. Using a single, web-based console and agentless technology, you can monitor and manage the performance and availability of all devices in your IT infrastructure (network, server, storage, applications, converged infrastructure, virtualization/cloud).

The power of Zenoss Core begins with its in-depth IT inventory and configuration database. Zenoss creates this database by discovering managed resources -- networks, servers, storage, and other devices -- in your IT environment.

Once Zenoss Core discovers the IT infrastructure, it automatically begins monitoring the performance of each device and provides event and fault management capabilities. These capabilities help drive IT operational efficiency and productivity by automating many of the monitoring, notification, alert, escalation, and remediation tasks you perform each day. 


  • Cross-platform device performance and availability monitoring
  • Highly customizable web-based console and dashboards
  • Device discovery, modeling, and classification
  • Layer 3 network topology maps
  • Agentless data collection
  • Fault and event monitoring and management
  • Event classification, de-duplication, auto-clearing, mapping, transformation, and lifecycle management
  • Event triggers and notifications
  • Availability monitoring for devices, networks, processes, and services
  • Performance monitoring for devices, events, and networks
  • Performance monitoring templates and device performance graphs
  • SNMP monitoring
  • Device, event, component, software, and administration views
  • Device and device attribute management
  • Device, event, and network configuration
  • Reports for devices, events, performance, and performance graphs
  • Multi-graph and custom device reports
  • Report export and scheduling
  • Maintenance window configuration
  • Extensibility and and rapid customization of monitoring environments via ZenPacks
  • Backup and restore of configuration information and data from a Zenoss Core instance


We will not require you to directly pay to download this software.

Instead, we simply ask that you complete a quick advertiser-sponsored offer from our advertising partners. While most of these offers are ad-based and completely free, some of them may require you to purchase a service or product. After you complete the offer you select the download should start within 60 seconds, although it sometimes may take up to a few minutes.



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